Saturday, July 6, 2013

Titleholder Clean Up

One of the unfortunate results of the Fourth of July is a lot of garbage and firework debris left on our city's beautiful beaches.  This year Miss Jacksonville, Sydney Keister, decided to hold a titleholder clean up.  Any and all pageant titleholders were welcome to come.  So bright and early (7 am) we met her on the beach and began the work that would help keep our beaches clean and a safe place for the animals that live there. 

I loved getting the chance to support my sister queen's platform "Keep America Beautiful" but I also learned from this experience.  I had no idea that every year it takes so many volunteers to help keep the beach clean.  I have gained a new appreciation for the beauty I took for granted before. 

My brother and sister (who is my Sunshine Princess) got into the clean up mode too.  They didn't want to leave until every scrap was picked up.  And I bet they never leave trash anywhere anytime after this experience! 

Thanks for inviting us Sydney!