Saturday, February 9, 2013

Wolfson One to Grow On Birthday Celebration

I've written before about my commitment to do whatever I can to support Promise to Kate Foundation, and Wolfson Children's Hospital is one of the organizations we support with the money raised.  This is a busy fundraising time for Wolfson Children's Hospital.  During their One to Grow On celebration they are having a variety of fundraising activities but the telethon was a great way to get the fundraising started!

During our time manning the phones little Kate had fun helping answer the not ringing phones to practice.  She said, "Hi, I love you, goodbye." That girl has phone manners!  I enjoyed getting to meet the news anchors and families of other children who have been touched by the amazing doctors, nurses and support staff at Wolfson Children's Hospital.

This year as a part of the One To Grow On celebration, Kate Conte was chosen as one of Wolfson's 55 children to benefit from their care in the past year.  Kate and her family were honored at the annual birthday celebration that followed the Ultra Marathon and other runs raising money for the hospital.  I was honored to be there to meet other families with children honored as one of the "55" and to help hand out the medals in the recognition ceremony.  What a special day and a special group of people.  Special thank you to my sister queens for coming out to support!

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